Monday 1 June 2009

2nd. Expression

"Soy terrible pollo"

This expression is used to emphasise somebody's weakness. It is a bit derogatory slang, and it can be used in many contexts.

For instance, check the following dialogue:
Carlitos: Pancho, te gusta la Chabelita?
(Pancho, do you fancy Chabelita?)
Pancho: Sí, me gusta hace sentir en las nubes.
(Yes, I do...She makes me feel in heaven.)
Carlitos: Ya po', cuéntale!
(Come on, tell her the truth!)
Pancho: No, me puede rechazar
(No, I'm afraid she might reject me)
Carlitos: Uy, la mujercita...Soy terrible pollo!
(Uhh...the little girl!...You are terribly chicken!)
*You can also use it with other collocations. They can be either:
-Eri terrible pollo! (Eri entero 'e pollo!)
-Soy entero 'e pollo!

Got it? We are sure you did. Now, you can use it in your daily chilean speech :)

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